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well this was in my opinion an awesome gig. The band were really good but the support was lacking a bit which was to be expected. Didn't arrive to hear the first band but the second one called "the fight" I liked a lot (I'm kinda into my angry girl rock at the moment and hoping to get tickets to see the distillers in november!!!) chicken and i were just sat around for a while waiting for the band which was bloody boring and we did find ourselves wishing that more of our mates had come with us but hey what can you do. The second support band started up and so we went into the crowd and listened for a while but found we had to move to the back coz they played a song called "circles." This started up a circle pit in the middle of which we were standing so to avoid getting battered to fuck we moved along with a large majority of people round us. (plus shamayne is well kinda small so i think she wouldve been severly squished) Found ourselves behind some pissed off - looking punks wearing rather a lot more spikes than most of the people in the crowd. Yes we decided to move away from them as well.... Well anyway rancid came on and the crowd went crazy, can't remeber what song they opened on and i guess i should written this sooner but i never really got round to it. Most of the songs the band played were amazing coz they were older songs all of which i must say totally own all the new stuff apart from fall back down coz chicken likes it lots :) but yeh stuff like maxwell murder, ruby soho, time bomb all that stuff was fuckin awesome. wish they'd played "Bob" coz it's the one i sooo wanted to skank to but no matter. It was cool anyway. came out of the gig with my ears ringing (this continued for the next day or so) and couldn't stop singing bits from all the songs. waited to get picked up nealy bought a t-shirt but was skint. REALLY REALLY regret it now but there we go, thats just me. Sally my mate from school managed to get her t-shirt signed by the man Tim Armstrong himself the jammy b*tch! Still there are always other gigs, talking of which.......Feeder my friends is the next on the agenda unless i can get to The Distillers which im not sure will happen but still, we'll have to wait and see. ::: logged by Fi ::: 00:04 Friday, September 26, 2003 OH THE BOREDOM... well its been a while since ive been on here and yes its not just coz im lazy...well actually yes that is part of the reason but also ive just been waaaay too busy so i think thats fair enough. ::: logged by Fi ::: 23:02 Tuesday, September 16, 2003 ooooooh rancid tomorrow!!! can't wait its gonna be soo mad. Me and chicken down the front in the pits going crazy, i just hope they dont try and turn it into moshing coz thats when it startes geting painful! anyway will post when im not half asleep and when i get back from the gig. toodles x ::: logged by Fi ::: 00:26 Friday, September 12, 2003 waffle ::: logged by Fi ::: 16:09 (joke! i dont really want you to feck off coz otherwise no one would read my blog :( .....) ::: logged by Fi ::: 16:09 hello Well this is a bit of a long time no see for my blog since i haven't been on in a few days. Been totally busy at 6th form which is cool in a way but i'm not really used to it yet so im still coming home knackered! Im not gonna have much time to myself this weekend coz il be spending most of it with the increasing mound of homework i have growing beneath me. I absolutley love all my classes aprt from english which in truth is pretty shitty right now but i'm gonna see how it is for a few more days and then either stay on the course or switch to lit. ooh lit! we like that band! oops sorry that just slipped out. I think I had the bigggest fi-on yesterday coz they messed up my psychology lessons which meant that i had to swap to a new group but this resulted in me spending all my frees as a larry so i went RAH RAH RAH OOOOOOBBBBBBBERloooooobaaa RAH! and they said yes its ok for you to stay where you are. (i didn't really oober at the teacher though i felt like it, hehe) so yeh im off to work to go and doss around and get payed! woooooo! will post later. probabaly wont. Dunno actually. I haven't really posted much of interest here. dunno why i will do later. meh. (i will if i can be arsed) (yes i am that lazy at the moment) so feck off!!! ::: logged by Fi ::: 16:08 Monday, September 08, 2003 Meh I'm really bored. I would type something interesting but it's to much effort at this present time. ::: logged by Fi ::: 20:31 Sunday, September 07, 2003 THEY'RE BREEDING! The bloggers are once more breeding! Kate (aka on her blog, attack-of-the-etak [kate backwards] ) is now a part of the blogger network! YAY! >BING!< ::: logged by Fi ::: 22:04 BADGERS! Right...theres no real purpose to this thing at all but it made me laugh at its sheer .... well, randomness. >BING!< ::: logged by Fi ::: 21:44 Friday, September 05, 2003 Oxymorons well, I was just looking through the vast space of the web and found a website that had me sitting repeating words working out in which sense they were an oxymoron. It's actually suprisingly annoying in a weird not-that-annoying-but-still-pretty-annoying-way. >BING!< I think I just confused myself again. ::: logged by Fi ::: 16:35 Helloooo... Well I've just got back from my first day back at 6th form and it's actually not that different at the moment to how it was last year but thats not really too suprising since all we did was look at timetables and fill out our diaries so I'm looking forward to monday when I finally get a taste of things to come. Turns out i've got Mr Copson as my tutor which should be interesting to say the least, especially when he gets a mega ooberlooba on and I have to say he does do them very well. Obviously not similar to those thrown by myself or Maffydoo or even Amy come to think of it, its more of a let's spit at people when I shout and flail my arms around type thing, often with good reason but still highly amusing (unless its at you of course!) I'm in a tutor group with one person who I'm friends with and when I say "friend" I mean someone who hangs around with us who none of us particularly like. I take pleasure in winding her up by being random because it really REALLY does piss her off! Mwahahahaaaaa! but yeh, so there's one girl and thats about it really, there are a few people I know mostly from being in classes with but besides that everybody is completely new. There is a very hot guy in my group as well but he's incredibly arragant so thats going to be one good to look at but nothing more. Eugh I'm not looking forward to getting up at 6.30 in the morning and I dont even get a break tomorrow because I have to be at work for 8am! D'OH! ::: logged by Fi ::: 16:11 Thursday, September 04, 2003 Oh yeh and whats also bad, is that I have 1 full day of freedom left before 6th form. :( And the guy I like at work has a g/f.......GODDAmMIT!! One good thing tho, i have till training on saturday from 8 - 5 which means i get 9 hours extra pay.........oh yes!!! ::: logged by Fi ::: 01:07 Fetus has an ooberlooba on...BIG STYLEE :( I officially, completely, totally and utterly hate BLOODY SPIDERS! Not that I didn't hate them before, its just now I think they should be burned at a very low temperature to cause them maximum pain. I swear they all just want to hunt me down and scare me until I have a nevous breakdown or something. I mean as my sister said to me so calmly earlier on when i was on the verge or giving myself a heart attack, they don't actually want to hurt you or anything but still, i dont care. They run unnessecarily fast, and have unnessecarily long legs and well they just suck major balls. I now have a mega oober on at my cat who didn't leave the spider when i could se it and easily throw a phone book at, oh no she had to play with it and tap it so it ran under lots of things which were battered and beaten lots to make sure it had died but when i sprayed this carrier bag on the floor (whee i thought it was) the evil little F**k shot out from a completely different area and under my bed. I had nearly lost nearly all hope by this time and i started to walk away when out of the corner of my eye i saw this black blob shoot across the room, so because i was still screaming every time the damm thing moved i called mum uupstairs who gassed it out then after much continuos poking stamped on it (3 times because the first two it wasn't actually dead because it was like some terminater type spider able to survive anything) So yeh. Thats been my major event of the day. I have an ooberlooba on. Don't talk to me. RAHHHHHH! ::: logged by Fi ::: 01:00 Tuesday, September 02, 2003 Back To 6th Form........3 Days To Go - Well - three days left of the longest summer break I'm probabaly ever gonna have. And what am I gonna spend them doing? Sitting around playing my guitar and wasting time on the internet. Oh well im actually kinda glad i dont have to be bored anymore and I can get back to doing something productive instead of getting up at !2pm every day!! Its definately creeping up on me now you know, this whole going back to school malarkey. I've even been down into Bournemouth today just to buy brand new stationary with shamayne...oo er! Never a good sign really when you take pleasure in spending money on HB pencils and rubbers which never work. Still theres something really satisfying about having a brand new pencilcase and loads of new stuff in it!! ::: logged by Fi ::: 17:01 Monday, September 01, 2003 Even More Woo - Thorpe Park! Well, Got back from Thorpe Park late yesterday evening all exhausted after a wicked day out at what used to be a very boring, pretty crap theme park which has recently become fantastic! Left on sunday morning and went to go and meet up with some of my sisters friends as well as my mate shamayne and my brother as well. When we arrived there some random guy asked if anyone needed money off vouchers so Manie and I a bit bemused by this walked off to claim our tickets and head off into the park with the rest of the group. First ride we went on was Collosus, 10 looping world record thingy that was very fast, very funky and an all round winner. I suprised myself by going on it actually coz im a bit of a wus when it comes to rides and rollercoasters and stuff but it gave me a bit of confidence so i had no problem going on the other stuff in the park. Next up was x:/No Way Out, a backwards rollercoaster in the dark that was very very cool. Emma who came with us isn't too keen on rollercoasters so everyone was saying that it was The 4d cinema we had been planing to see. I however didn't catch on and ruined the "suprise". Meh, she still came on and it was very good with lots of weird mist, flashing strobe lights and the knowlege that you dont actauul have a clue where you're going. Excellent ride walked around for a bit and then decided to go on the detonater since the 4D cinema wasn't showing until half 2. I was very unconvinced by this ride and was dragged on by shamayne who later confessed "why did you talk me into this..." WHAT?! Still it was good but I found myself incapable of walking straight afterwards. You get taken to the top of a tower roughly 45 foot up and shot downwards only slowing down in about the last 10 feet. Scary and very stomach churning. Next was the Nemesis Inferno and I think this has to have been my favourite ride of the day. Funky effects, lots of speed and swingy, dangly feet. The fact I had a milkshake didn't help my nerves and left me feeling a tad ill but given half the chance I would have ridden that all day! Had a bit of dodgy moment however about halfway round when I found my brace nearly falling out of my mouth! hmmm...now that would have been very interesting I'm sure - especially for some poor person below me! Then we made for the ribena rapids, not as exciting as it made out to be but still it was fun nonetheless. Shame it wasn't a bit longer and a bit more rapidy but then you cant expect everything to be exreme in a family theme park can you now? Went on the tea cups and used all our girly strength to spin the car around but after a while gave up as our arms got tired! Made for the Tidal Wave, the highest water drop in Europe. As the boat plummetts to the bottom of the hill you don't think it's that bad but what you don't realise is that the water has just been thrown over your head and hovers as you travel through it, drenching you not only from the spray, but the Tidal Wave itself AND the backsplash, so all in all if you come off with any dry bits on you then think yourself lucky! Emma managed the best drenching since she tried to duck from the wave (Ha ha - YEAH RIGHT!) and got left with afro hair to die for! Went to 4D pirates which was cool. It involved, Pirates and weird close ups to things making them look like they're right in front of you wasps, spiders bats and a big log!) Effects of feeling whats going on were very odd but well done too. The last ride we went to was Quantum. A big magic carpet stylee ride like the ones you get at fun-fairs. Still it was fun all the same and was a good end to the day since none of us could be bothered to queue for anything that was any more dramatic than a bit of stomach churning. And so our day ended, and the final thing left to do was to go and waste a bit of money in the gift shop. (well it has to be done!) Overall it was a briliant day, the weather was great and we had a laugh. I'd recommend it to anyone. ::: logged by Fi ::: 13:35 |