
::Ickle Fetus::

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

woah...I have just discovered the amazing invention of coloured writing!



::: logged by Fi ::: 14:56

Ok, so it wasn't really all that hard and I guess I was panicking for no reason but at least now I can say without getting laughed at by my sis (as she threatened to do if I messed up) that "nobody fails their theory test!"
good job otherwise it would have been quite embarrasing.
still, it did require a well earned oreo cookie shakeaway milkshake afterwards... :D yay

::: logged by Fi ::: 14:52

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Blog Bitch has been tweakings. Nothing to see here. Move along...

::: logged by Maff ::: 01:11

Friday, July 23, 2004

Woo Hoo! Return Of Bloggage!
Woah. I think blogger has changed. The new post screen is somewhat different to how I remember it. Wow, this is pretty cool. Funny how you're only away for a short while and stuff is totally different. Hmm.

Aaanyway, I'm back finally after having problems for aaages trying to change my password. After Exams I tried logging back on and alas! Couldn't remember my password so attempted to change it and couldn't but finally I have succeeded.

current news:
1) I have broken up for summer holidays - beach + working+ holiday = pretty cool summer
2) Just passed my driving theory test - and not too badly if I do say so myself... hehe
3) Won £50 from my premium bonds which is excellent (since my luck with money has been pretty shite as of recent weeks.)
4) Going to Thorpe park on Saturday - yay! Am determined that I will go on the samurai since I have yet to go on it even at chessington. Hope I don't throw up... :S
5) Erm...run out of stuff to say now...

funny stuff found recently:

  • magical trevor - genius in my eyes
  • chavscum - the light heartedly humerous way to take the mick out of cackers and townie mushes without being paranoid that anybody is going to start on you..
  • nazi-kitten cuteness - but its so fluffly!

will add more fun stuff later cannot be bothered to continue right now. need sleep now so off to bed. Will blog upon return. Toodles!

F'etus x

::: logged by Fi ::: 12:25

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