
::Ickle Fetus::

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Too tired to write anything of much interest . Gonna finish the necessary homework and toddle on off to bed. Have had quite a nice, relatively relaxed weekened though. Watched Collateral on friday night, had a lie in and hoovered the house on saturday morning (compulsive cleaning disorder - Amy knows what i'm talking about...!) watched a couple of hockey games, had another night in with films; relaxed, ate popcorn and slept. Spent today slaving my butt off at work being a skivvy once again for every other department barr my own and had an afternoon of stew and teser cake plus roast making, ben watching and repeated viewing of Collateral. All in all, nice and calm and it makes a change compared to the normal hectic-ness of my weekends like next weekend is gonna be for example...going to see Green Day! Wooooo!

Yay! lost another pound this week despite evil choc attacks!

Fi Fi

::: logged by Fi ::: 20:39

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