
::Ickle Fetus::

Monday, February 21, 2005

Yay! I'm down another two pounds this week!

Still, evil Maffydoo has lost about twenty billion pounds more which so isn't fair. Why are men so much better at dieting than women?

Oh yeh...they don't hear little calling voices from various chocolate displays; they just have to stay away from the pub instead!

Fetus x

::: logged by Fi ::: 14:20

Friday, February 11, 2005

It's only the first day of half term and I'm already bored!!! I can't bring myself to start homework yet...thats a job for after the weekend I think....


::: logged by Fi ::: 16:14

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Mini Billie Joe! Posted by Hello

::: logged by Fi ::: 23:14

Green Day! Posted by Hello

::: logged by Fi ::: 23:10

The Pissed Pink Bunny! Posted by Hello

::: logged by Fi ::: 23:03

Yay! Green day were Brilliant! Real crowd pleasers, loved to show off and mess around but that was to be expected. Felt well jealous of the kid who was given Billie Joe's guitar because he was a member of the "band" that was created up on stage. The drummer and both the guitarist and bassist they picked out of the audience were all really good which is quite lucky coz whilst the crowd would have been behind them if they were rubbish, it might have been a bit embarrasing for them if they sucked! Pretty surreal experience that must have been!

Can't really write a proper review cos I'm not very good at it but the band played a lot of good songs off the new album as well as the released songs. The old school side of it was brilliant too and of course they played the old favourites; Basketcase, Minority, Longview etc. Can't really say a lot more. As with most gigs its all very well reading about them but nothin beats being there even if you are quite far back! Didn't matter though - had a wicked time anyway :)

oh yeah....PISSED PINK BUNNY!!!!

green fetus xx

::: logged by Fi ::: 22:33

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Wooo! lost another 3 lbs this week! I'm a tad baffled really as I haven't done a lot of excercise yet but still I'm not complaining and I'm not getting too bored yet so I'm hoping I can keep this up!

Added bonus...Going to see GREEN DAY today!!!! Still gotta organise the second half of our transport so I'm gonna go and ring Chris and wake him up... MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAA! The support for them shouldn't be too bad though were still not sure on who it actually is yet. Anyway I'm gonna dash off and I won't be back home until some ridiculous time in the morning. Will blog upon return!


Fetus xx

::: logged by Fi ::: 10:13

Friday, February 04, 2005

Just off to make myself some lunch having McStolen my sister's potato wedges recipe. Will report back later on it's yumminess factor.

Fetus x

::: logged by Fi ::: 15:03

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hurray! Things don't seem to be going too bad for me at the moment. I don't have work until next tuesday, my laptop that mum so kindly wangled for me has arrived, I won a well cool headunit on ebay for £35 and the only major work i have is coursework...woooo!

Fetus is actually smiling for once. Makes a change I guess but i promise I can't help bein moody...it's all in the teenage hormones... GOD! Doesn't anybody understand me!?!?

Smiley Fetus x

::: logged by Fi ::: 22:31

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