
::Ickle Fetus::

Friday, March 25, 2005

Yes! Am finally 18!!!

Only posted this like 3 days late but oh well....

you know what sucks though? Haven't been ID'd ONCE! Why now? Why not before? Bar stewards - just wanted to prevent all forms of underage alcoholic fun. Not that it's illegal to drink until you're 18 or anything.... hehe.

well anyway, all is well as I can now legally drink and not worry!

hehe...funny comment:

"Koala bears may spontaneously combust when isolated from their group due to a build up of eucylyptus oil on the tops of their heads. They cannot reach this area to clean it and rely on other koalas to groom them, hence when isolated for a long time the oil builds up and in extreme heat can ignite and explode the koala. This has been blamed for many bush fires."
Also check this out:
Mum; I'm only thinking of the future. You may need a second one of these though. I'm sure you'll work out what to do with the remaining cat...

::: logged by Fi ::: 19:38

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